Grooby, a prominent adult entertainment company, is excited to announce its collaboration with director Krista Michaels on the highly anticipated horror film, “THE GIRLS.” This groundbreaking project, which has officially launched on Indiegogo, aims to shed light on the struggles and resilience of the transgender community.
Directed by Krista Michaels, known for her previous works like “MANTID” and “One Monday,” “THE GIRLS” seeks to fill a void in trans-led films by delivering a powerful horror movie that explores the challenges faced by transgender individuals while showcasing their strength and determination.
Taking on the lead role of Pixie is Ryder Avalon, supported by producer Alice Wells. The film’s score will be composed by the BAFTA-nominated Simon Boswell, acclaimed for his work on movies such as “The Crying Game” and “Santa Sangre.”
Discussing the film’s inspiration, Krista Michaels shared, “There was a lack of trans-led films, especially in the horror genre, that we could draw from and find characters to look up to. That’s why I collaborated with an all-trans-woman writing team, including Brandy Bryant and Jessica D’Amelio, to develop a compelling script.”
With Michaels at the helm as director, co-producers Blair Hawkins and Claudia Charriez join the team. Michaels emphasized the importance of assembling a talented crew of women to bring their vision to life, stating, “Our goal is to gather a team of skilled women to create an unforgettable cinematic experience.”
“THE GIRLS” promises to captivate audiences with its trans horror theme, drawing inspiration from the exploitation films of the 70s and 80s. Fearlessly tackling topics like violence, nudity, and provocative language, the film offers an authentic portrayal of the challenges faced by trans women. Michaels expressed her pride in the team’s creative efforts, stating, “We wanted this film to convey the real-world obstacles we encounter as trans women boldly, and I am incredibly proud of what the team is crafting!”
For those interested, interview opportunities are available with key individuals involved in “THE GIRLS,” including director and writer Krista Michaels, writers Brandy Bryant and Jessica D’Amelio, producers Alice Wells and Blair Hawkins, and composer Simon Boswell.
“THE GIRLS” will be produced by Retro Raptor, LLC, in partnership with Grooby, KreatureKid, Formative Pictures, and Cordell Productions.
To learn more about “THE GIRLS” and contribute to the Indiegogo campaign, visit THE GIRLS’ Indiegogo campaign page here: Together, let’s support this groundbreaking film that aims to amplify the voices of the transgender community.
- Be sure and follow Grooby on Twitter at @Groobydotcom.