Independent adult filmmaker Ria Bentley, recently recognized by studios like Trans Midnight and nominated for 2025 awards, has released a new film starring Ella Eros. Titled “Ria Bentley Consoles Ella Eros With A Dominant Dick Down,” the film explores a passionate encounter between the two performers in a converted church loft.
Bentley praised Eros’s performance style, describing her as the “epitome of provocativeness.” She emphasized the intense chemistry and intimacy they shared during filming, highlighting the scene where Eros performs oral sex.
The film opens with a tender moment between Bentley and Eros on a couch, transitioning into a passionate exchange of oral sex. The scene then moves to the loft, where the two engage in penetrative sex, culminating in a “reverse piledriver.”
“Ria Bentley Consoles Ella Eros With A Dominant Dick Down” is available on Bentley’s ManyVids store and showcases the raw talent and artistic vision of both performers. The film offers a glimpse into Bentley’s independent work, complementing her growing recognition within the adult industry.
Follow Ria Bentley on X at @TheRiaBentley
Follow Ella Eros on X at @itsellaeros